Last Friday was an awesome day for me! I got the opportunity to stock a local store with my products. Rustic Roots in my hometown of Turlock. I had the freedom to create the display myself (lots of Pinterest searches for inspiration). It was so exciting (and nerve racking) to try and display my products in a lovely fashion, to be pleasing to others. And even if people don't buy anything, hopefully they can at least enjoy how it looks. It was a lot of work making that much of my product all at once, but totally worth it! I was so giddy when I stepped back and looked at these shelves and thought - I created all that. (Is that kind of what it feels like when you have a child?...) kidding....kind of.

I used a few plants, dried herbs in mini apothecary jars of different sizes and styles (I hope customers open & smell them), and framed a few product photography shots. I want people to feel like they're in my little sunkissed world when they step into this area.
I took at least one of each product out of its box to display and turned some of the boxes around, so customers can see the fun & beneficial information that's on the back.
I included a large hobnail jar full of high quality facial cottons for the taking (oh my gosh, these things really are so soft & amazing on your skin- find them here).
I also put out sample jars of a few of my lotions & balms for people to try. I mean, it's a lot easier to purchase something when you've tried it and know you like it, right?
I decided to divide my products up into different sections for different skin types. So all products for acne-prone or problematic skin were together, all the baby+mama goodies got displayed together, anti-aging products..etc, etc. I feel like that will make it easier for people to find what they're looking for, for their specific skin type.
I put my best sellers or top products on the top shelf, since that is what people will see first.
And I tried to make sure that there was a lot of height and dimension in the display. Some products up on the box, some just on the shelf, to keep customer's eyes scanning and looking for what they want to find!
I'm pretty sure the best thing I had going for me was this gorgeous white mantel that Jenny has in her store. Hopefully nobody buys it anytime soon, or I'm going to be up a creek.
I feel like the best way to display your products is with simplicity and to just let the products, in their own beauty, do the talking. The plants and herbs I used complimented my products because those are the kind of ingredients I use. Also, you want it to be easy for the customer to grab a product to look at it or buy it! If they can't pick it up, or it seems too complicated - you might lose a sale!
I'm definitely not an expert in this field yet, but had a blast creating my first display and it was great practice for my artisan faire in 2 weeks, the STOCKMARKET!
I'm definitely not an expert in this field yet, but had a blast creating my first display and it was great practice for my artisan faire in 2 weeks, the STOCKMARKET!
If you're in or around Turlock, I'd love for you to stop by Rustic Roots and take a gander at my all natural + organic skin care line and my hand poured soy candles.
Until next time. xoxo
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