Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sunkissed Casa :: Future Abode

Happy Tuesday dreamers! Been super busy with my all natural skin care line the last couple weeks, as I'm preparing to sell my products in a local store! I've been creating some new products, building up inventory, labeling, pricing, photographing etc. etc....Luckily I really enjoy both sides of my business - the creative and the "business" side of it. It's slowly but surely growing and I'm very hopeful that soon enough more people will find and love my products and the message I am sharing. 
Anyways...I thought I'd take a break from that to share some of my favorite Pins on my "la casa" Pinterest board. I love our home right now, it's a hundred year old beauty with a gorgeous yard - but one day when we own our own place, I will be more than ready to customize it to our perfect cabinesque+bungalow+spanish-style+colorful+bohemian abode. Enjoy the following photos and be sure to find all the links on my "la casa" board and follow along with me for more!

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

bohemian home, cozy home, home decor ideas, la casa pinterest board, dream home, future home, bungalow, boho home design, boheme home design

ps: Sunkissed Dream has it's own Instagram now
I'd love for you to follow along with my journey.

Keep dreaming. xoxo

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